A Truth thats told with bad intent beats all the Lies you can invent.

William Blake's quote becomes as relevant as ever with so much political and corporate demagogy.
Back in 2013 / 2014 I was in Rio de Janeiro for a good three month period. I was there with my family, and we were invited.
Early one morning I jotted down part of the poem , "The Auguries of Innocence" as a starter for a new note book. This covered an earlier short text I'd written, part of the research for Supra Occidente - an expansion of ¡Lazaro! into a creative universe:
"In truth,
I am your father
And I am your son.
I am whole and
am eternity."
A Truth thats told with bad intent
Beats all the Lies you can invent
It is right it should be so
Man was made for Joy & Woe
And when this we rightly know
Thro the World we safely go
Auguries of Innocence
William Blake
In full:
Blake's Auguries of Innocence - built into the stone of poetry and time: the furnace of the soul for all to see.
The continuance and expansion of ¡Lazaro! 's creative universe is producing a number of shorter monologue (including ongoing Diogenes), dance and music pieces.
¡Lazaro! is inspired mainly in the "Lazarillo de Tormes: y de sus fortunas y adversidades", an anonymous XVI century book that cried out the state of affairs into a balance.
One of the earlier genesis of ¡Lazaro! was the intention to write a Latin American story for the stage entitled: "Las 5 aflicciones de Lucio Mondragón", briefly sketched by Felix B.Q. and shared at the time with Mathias Britos.
Work for ¡Lazaro! has always been an invocation to the miracle of creative breath, not without a sense of sacrifice and great joy. It appeals to our most visceral senses, hunger and survival amidst the desert.
An interview for Caracol Radio, in San Gil, Colombia 2010, clearly shows the social expression of this small and intense passionate nucleus of theatre creators.
In this video, Felix B.Q., Manuel Sanchez, Mathias Britos, Salvatore Motta.