Chance, instruction or sabotage?
In the enterprise of guessing it's all chitchat. Take the punch. Silence. The following article is a first correspondence concerning...
with Felix Bachmann Quadros, Manuela Bernasconi, Bernardo Nante, Andrea Cavarra, Alessandra Faienza, Nuria Prazak.
Shekinah de los Claveles,
Collaboration with Bämsemble
Five days of collaboration with this extraordinary company of artists from all over the world has yielded Audiovisual Projections as part of
¡LAZARO! El Ejercicio Creativo
¡LAZARO! es Teatro ¡LAZARO! es Música ¡LAZARO! es Encuentro ¡LAZARO! es Vida y un compartir intensamente ¡Lazaro! como obra ha siempre...
¡LAZARO! 2018
En la actualidad, profundo nace un golpe que repite y repique, llamado respira y simple, vuelven las cosas nuevas.
Image Nusrat by Jacob Logos for ¡LAZARO! Born as a yell ¡LAZARO! prevailed through hardship, travels and extraordinary collaboration and...
¡LAZARO! was our first creative universe with Masnàda Associazione, and the basis of its foundation. Theatre in its heart, the production...