The March (working title) is a collaborative documentary that follows the two month march starting from Bellinzona, Ticino, and crossing...
Ubi Sit Loci
UNSETTLED in his conscience by acts comitted, celebrated businessman and mnemonist extraordinaire Irineo Fontana, asks his protegée and frie
Possible Narrative Structures
A recent meeting with Dr. Gohard-Radenkovic, discussing the topics at hand and the reclamation of a lost first nation’s language brought abo
Escrito apenas llegado a Europa, allá en la vuelta del 2002, en Lugano, Suiza. Acababa yo de dejar Buenos Aires, un alto trabajo...
Cuentos cortos escritos a lo largo de varios años (2009 - 2011), en forma de epístolas, cada entrega hacia un interlocutor definitivo....
Unpublished and unfinished, in Spanish, EL OBSERVATIRIO is a three book literature enterprise that covered the good lapse of about three...
¡LAZARO! El Ejercicio Creativo
¡LAZARO! es Teatro ¡LAZARO! es Música ¡LAZARO! es Encuentro ¡LAZARO! es Vida y un compartir intensamente ¡Lazaro! como obra ha siempre...
FEATURE FILM (100'). Inspired in true events. STATUS: In Writing Genre: Urban Film / Road Movie. "A legal heist" to be directed by Felix...
This sections opens an ongoing long distance cross interview between main collaborators Jacob Logos and Felix Bachmann Quadros. It also...
¡LAZARO! 2018
En la actualidad, profundo nace un golpe que repite y repique, llamado respira y simple, vuelven las cosas nuevas.
Solo Bêtes d' Amour
A choreography by Manuela Bernasconi. This is the first piece written through the work done with Snout Mask.
En Concret
EN CONCRET addresses the feeling of falling down (or up) a stairway, the contradiction of body matter to our concrete reality.
RESTRAINT | Analogique
S’adresser à l’image analogique permet un niveau d’expérimentation tangible.
OPEN LAND at RIFF International Film Festival
Open Land will be presented at the RIFF International Film Festival of Norway.
Session Feedback
Using Snout Mask to generate creative life for Manuela Bernasconi's solo piece has provided for an expansive collaboration with Nuria Pr
The Name of a Thing
The aim of this documentary is to present the healing needs of an Australian aboriginal community, and understand this at a level in which p
Solo Bêtes d' Amour
Manuela Bernasconi and Felix B.Q. work on the creation for a solo dance piece with Shemira Snout Mask. The work has generated dramaturgical
IL SOGNO access
As an idea is brought to life, it can be perplexing to pinpoint its fount. This is the way in any creation: work through expansion towards t
“Somewhere between life and death there lies a desert. A symmetrical vision vexes the horizon to abnormal unescapable recurrence. Beasts, bo
Snout Masks | A tryst
Snout Masks are small leather masks that cover mouth and nose, but can crawl all over the body and breathe potential movement. Keyed into a
La calle detrás del Sambodromo carga de expectativa. Nadie está quieto. No se puede. La misma foto con trescientos celulares. El aire mismo
Link to new C.V. and Biography.
The characters of Commedia dell' Arte exist today, the narrative of their stories present in our society, ever reaching the urgency of o
Dancer and choreographer Manuela Bernasconi worked with dancer Sarah Avellini, providing a performance specific for this opening and inspire