Chance, instruction or sabotage?
In the enterprise of guessing it's all chitchat. Take the punch. Silence. The following article is a first correspondence concerning...

Virtual Immersion Performance
My research is rooted in narrative scenarios and stems towards technically driven stagings. Work is structured through nodes of information,

The elderly, MONA VR Therapy immersions and story
The tones of life, after a certain age, extend beyond the mere accents of a past unavailable, they become the living substance of resolve: i

with Felix Bachmann Quadros, Manuela Bernasconi, Bernardo Nante, Andrea Cavarra, Alessandra Faienza, Nuria Prazak.
Shekinah de los Claveles,

Archives and history in Fribourg
"Les archives vidéo de Guignol à roulettes" marks the conclusion of a long creative collaboration with the fribourgoise marionnette...

VR immersions, towards performance.
Healing Museum Virtual Reality Immersions at La Sosta day center, Pro Senectute Ticino, April 2019. Ruse Laboratories Xocolat

Histoires de la Basse
"Histoires de la Basse" est un projet de série documentaire qui naît à partir de la nécessité de se rencontrer avec la texture...
El pichón
Todavía quedaba en mi estilo algo de campechano, algo de sincero. La escritura era un combustible cotidiano que no me daba lugar a la duda.

Cada definición es una estructura en el tiempo: cae y se desparrama ante la respiración de nuestra realidad.

Performing the void.
I’ve just spent a long week workshopping through VR with high dozens of school students in the area of Fribourg. Most of these young souls h

On the importance and manner of affiliation
As we now preform our new cyborg selves towards the rising future, we look towards primitive cultures for clues and answers. Hidden within t

How Virtual Reality ties it all together.
Sit and meditate. I know it's a bit blasé, form and age, but that's the benefit of the action I feel like placing on my working tabl

Historias en la ciudad baja
La construcción de historias a través de recuerdos y vivencias es como formalizar una entrañable necesidad. Acá en la Basse Ville de...

VR, future art and contextual conservation in Fribourg
A short introduction to the work in development for a number of experiences to be held in Fribourg, Switzerland, throughout the following ye

Collaboration with Bämsemble
Five days of collaboration with this extraordinary company of artists from all over the world has yielded Audiovisual Projections as part of

To dwell into the spirit of the game, rekindle our memories from childhood, keep our selves available and in a present stance, and share it

Histories de la Basse
« Histoires de la Basse » est un projet de série documentaire qui se fera le témoin contemporain de notre histoire. A travers une série de p

The playful spirit
During creation and research for Tu Joues? dance and mediation performance, there has always been a recurrent feeling: how do we define and

Collaboration avec Guignol à roulettes
Pierre Alain Rolle is celebrating a life long career as one of Fribourg's most renowned puppeteer. His work spans for over 37 years. The...

Do you play?
So here we are again, back to 2018. Back and track to the grit of production as I try to make it so that it's less about reaching a gol...

Fragil Music Clip
A threefold collaboration with Shainy Attakaran and Manuela Bernasconi generated a short music clip to dance and the profound beauty of Faid
Back to the Origin
It is the responsibility of the collective community, not only the individual, to remember the origin of things. To know the origin of a thi

29 de Enero de 2015. Copacabana.
Afuera transpira el asfalto. Se escucha todo: el tráfico incandescente, los carritos que llevan o traen sombrillas de la playa, la fritanga
GAMBLING TIME Director's notes
Gambling Time follows the events that lead to an infamous “fatal April” of 2005 in Fribourg, product of the transition by law that forced sl